Olango challenge attracts 150 swimmers
By Iste S. Leopoldo
Sun.Star Cebu
April 29, 20111
IT almost tripled the number of participants in the fourth edition of the Olango Challenge “Swim for Nature, Swim for the Future” which will kick off on April 30 at the Tambuli East Beach Resort.
THE 4th Olango Challenge “Swim for Nature, Swim for the Future” has attracted triple the usual number when it kicks off on April 30 at the Tambule East Beach resort.
The open sea swimming event had attracted only 50 to 60 swimmers but last Thursday, 150 signed up.
“We are so overwhelmed with the response. We were just expecting around 70-80 participants,” Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) Riva Valles said.
She added that the bulk of the participants are those joining in the new division, a
relay category.
Visayas Electric Company (Veco) also sent 36 participants.
“Majority of our participants are locals but we also have a few out-of-towners,” Valles said.
Last year, they were able to raise pledges and donations amounting to P1.2 million and with this year’s positive response, they are hoping to surpass it.
Proceeds will be use in the reforestation, education and environmental projects in Olanggo Island. However if they get more funds, they will build an additional two-classroom building.
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