Friday, April 29, 2011

CM conducts writeshop

CM conducts writeshop
By Anna Razel L. Ramirez
The News Today
April 29, 2011

The College of Management, UP Visayas in cooperation with the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP), organized a Case-Writeshop on April 12-13, 2011 at the CM1 Room of UP Visayas.

The two-day workshop aimed at enriching the classroom instruction of the CM faculty pool through case presentations and case studies as well as enhance their writing capability.

Mr. Michael Lawrence M. De Jesus, an entrepreneurship expert from the Asian Center of Entrepreneurship and Management Education, Inc. conducted the workshop. Different case samples were presented for deciphering and benchmarking. The cases that were tackled include: 1) INSEAD- One School,

Two Campuses Going to Asia; 2) Venture, Conceptualization and verification; Pre-Operating activities and Start Up; and Customer Observation Technique for Jopet Salon For Men – A case from ACEME.

The presentations were also discussed, assessed, and critiqued. Tips on writing cases were given after the workshop.

Leslie Manabar, Business Development Officer of PBSP facilitated the conduct of the workshop. PBSP is the largest corporate-led organization in the Philippines and Asia that implement projects for companies as well as facilitate programs that promote poverty reduction through corporate citizenship i.e., a

business principle and practice that delivers business' long-term interests alongside the development of the communities, the protection of the environment, and the improvement of the people’s quality of life.

PBSP has been working closely with UPV in implementing projects in Antique, Passi and Molo, Iloilo City.